What's Next?

Now you are a Blue Cat's skinning language expert.

You can download any Blue Cat Audio Product (freeware or not) on http://www.bluecataudio.com and create a skin for it. Once you feel happy with the result, you can submit your skin to Blue Cat Audio so that it is made available to other users. Do not forget to add your name and website info in the skin so that you benefit from the diffusion of your work by Blue Cat Audio.

See our skin page on http://www.bluecataudio.com/Skins for more information.

If you are a software developer, we offer you to use Blue Cat's skinning language in your products and gain productivity and user skinning capabilities. GUI is a nightmare for you? Just forget it, and skin the cat with Blue Cat's Skinning Language.

Please visit our skin page and contact us for more information.

Have fun skinning the Cat!